Her yılın farklı periyotlarında değişik konular üzerinde yoğunlaştırılmış denetim kampanyası düzenleyen Paris Mou, 2017 yılının 2. Çeyreğinde Ecdis farkındalığı üzerine bir çalışma yürütmüştü. Yılın 3. Çeyreğinde ise bu kez Paris, Tokyo, Karadeniz, Akdeniz Port State otoriteleri birleşerek ortak bir kampanya düzenlemeye karar verdiler. Bu bağlamda 1 Eylül 2017 tarihinde başlayıp Kasım ayının sonuna kadar yoğunlaştırılmış Köprüüstü deneti yapılacaktır.
Peki güverte zabitleri olarak bu denetime hazır mısınız?
Denet süresince sadece seyir zabitleri değil aynı zamanda 1. Zabit, 2. Zabit ve 3. zabit de bu yoğunlaştırılmış denetimden geçecektir. Güverte zabitlerine referans olması açısından örnek bir denet sirküleri gönderilmiştir ve burada bahsi geçen sorulara hazırlıklı olunması gerekmektedir.
Bu denetimlerde hangi konular üzerinde ağırlıklı durulacak? İşte örnek sirküler:
- Seyir Planı
- Acil dümen donanımı
- Seyir Fenerleri
1- Is ship’s navigation equipment in accordance with its applicable safety certificate?
2- Does the ECDIS have the appropriate up-to-date electronic charts for the intended voyage and is there a suitable back-up arrangement?
- Is the Type Approval Certificate on board?
- Is the chart information in ECDIS the latest ENC/SENC standard edition and appropriate for the intended voyage?
- Back-up arrangements – if charts, are they fully updated? if secondary ECDIS, is back-up power supply separate from main supply (i.e. separate switchboard)?
3- Is there evidence that all watchkeeping officers comply with STCW requirements for ECDIS?
- Ensure CoC has an ECDIS endorsement and no restriction
- Ensure availability of documentary evidence on training for the specific type of ECDIS
4- Can watchkeeping officers demonstrate familiarization with ECDIS? Ensure all Officers are:
- Able to monitor and adjust information including – own position, sea area display, mode/orientation, chart date displayed, route monitoring, user-created information layers, contacts (when interfaced with AIS and /or radar tracking) and radar overlay functions (when interfaced)?
- Able to set alarm parameters for anti-grounding , proximity to contacts and special areas
- Have situational awareness while using ECDIS including safe water and proximity of hazards, set and drift, chart data and scale selection, suitability of route, contact detection and management, and integrity of sensors?
- Familiar with the ECDIS update procedure?
- Skilful in route designing?
5- Can ship’s VDR/SVDR record data fully?
- VDR/SVDR annual performance test carried out (+/- 3mths from anniversary of SE)
- Power provided by main and emergency source of electrical power
- Request meaning of alarms on VDR/SVDR panel
6- Is second and/or third stage remote audible alarm of BNWAS recognized?
- Reset function only located in proper look out positions
- Security protection properly kept (key or password known to master alone)
- Check operation of BNWAS by OOW when first stage alarm not reset
- Malfunction indication to be powered from a battery maintained supply
7- Is the ship’s Automatic Identification System transmitting correct particulars?
- Annual test
- Static info correct: MMSI, Call Sign, Name, IMO No., Length & beam, Ship Type, Location
- Dynamic info correct: Position, time in UTC, course, speed, heading, Nav. status
- Voyage info – draught, hazardous cargo (type), destination & ETA
- Is navigation info input and updated timely?
- Can safety related-messages be sent, received and understood?
8- Does the passage plan cover the whole voyage?
- Voyage from berth to berth, collect all relevant information and approved by Master
- Check ECDIS for route planning & monitoring
9- Does all crew know and respect the official working language as established and recorded in the ship’s logbook?
- Is working language established and recorded in the ship’s log-book?
- Can each seafarer understand/give orders & instructions /report back in working language?
- Can senior officers conduct ship – shore communication in English?
- Ensure that the training manual, the fire safety operational booklet, muster list, garbage management plan, garbage placard, etc. on board are in the ship’s working language.
10- Is the crew familiar with the procedure of emergency operation of steering gear?
- Ensure that records are available for testing of steering gear prior departure
- Ensure that steering gear drills carried out every 3 months?
- Familiarization with change/over procedures from local to remote steering
- Familiarization with emergency steering and alarms
11- Are the exhibition of navigation/signal lights in accordance with the requirements of COLREG72?
- Ensure the navigational/signal lights are in normal working condition?
- Ensure the navigational/signal lights are supplied by main power and emergency power?
- Ensure that the daylight signalling lamp is provided with alternative emergency supply?
Aradığım buydu, teşekkürler.
Denetim var o zaman :) Başarılar…